Tag Archives: inquiry learning

Informing instructional design with theory & practice

I came across this book while browsing on ISSUU today and it really resonated with me as I have been working with some teachers in designing new curriculum units to open up their classrooms to more inquiry-based learning and encouraging their students to lead individual and group-based inquiry experiences.

It is important for us as educators to be able to effectively articulate the implications of learning theory on our practice. This demonstrates informed instructional design – its not all about the ‘what’, its also about the ‘why’.

The 2nd edition of ‘How We learn, What We Learn’ by Kate Atkins and Neil Hopkin provides teachers with a concise overview of learning theory that can underpin our pedagogical practice in 21st century schools.

The Concord Review – publishing exemplary history essays by high school students

Via Scoop.itStudent Learning through School Libraries

The Concord Review publishes exemplary history essays by high school students. What a fabulous vehicle for students to publish what they have learned as a result of their guided inquiry projects!

Many thanks to Marcia Mardis from Florida State University for alerting us on IASL_LINK about this, in her words: “Students work hard to prepare their research papers, but often, these papers get turned in and are never seen again. However, there is a great outlet for exemplary student work that can also be a great way to feature school librarians’ contributions to the research process. The Concord Review has been, since 1987, the only journal in the world for the history research papers of secondary students. So far, it has published 978 essays (average 6,000 words) by students from 39 countries and locations all over the world, including Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, Sri Lanka, United States, Canada and South Korea (special issue Summer 2011).   School librarians play such an important role in developing student research and writing skills. I encourage school librarians to support this journal by subscribing (it’s only $40 per year to subscribe) and/or bringing it to the attention of your history and social studies teachers as a way to inspire their students and enhance collaboration with you!”

The sample essays section on the Concord Review website provide excellent models of essay writing skills for students, even the list of essay titles could be used to demonstrate the richness and breadth of history topics and to motivate students to explore a range of historical ideas or events as part of their learning in history.

Via www.tcr.org